We are thrilled to announce that the findings of the ‘What is the value of co-production?’ project are now live.
You can:
- Watch a video summary of the findings from our Community Reporting (7 mins)
- Read the overview report (10 pages, 15 mins)
- Read the full report (80 pages, a couple of hours but so worth it!)
- Watch the YouTube playlist of fantastic extracts from all of the storytellers
None of these amazing resources would have been possible without all of the people who shared their stories with us. We are so grateful for their time and the insights that have shaped this important bit of research.
And there’s more…
There were also some other strands to this research that you might be interested in. All the details are on this webpage: What is the value of co-production?
This includes:
- An overview video of whole project
- Interactive summary PDF of whole project
- A screen reader friendly version – as a Word document and as a PDF document.
- An audio version – as a MP4 file
- Versions of the Interactive summary in Braille, EPUB, MOBI – via a Google Drive folder
- As well as the Community Reporting findings, this also includes the results of the Gobby survey, a rapid critical review and learning from pilot projects.
We hope that this resources and research findings are useful to you – and please do share widely.
And look out for more coming soon – there will be the launch of a resource library for co-production and much more besides! Watch this space!