Do you want to work in better partnership with those who receive your services?
Do you think that Coproduction is a good concept but not sure how to make it real in your work?
Do you want to listen more to people’s stories of their lived experience but not sure where to start?
Do you want to find others who have the same values as you and learn from their work?
Ideas Alliance together with People’s Voice Media are running a three-year-project from 2021-2024 looking at how we develop, explore and exchange knowledge of co-production across England, with funding from the National Lottery’s Community Fund.
We are looking for people from 12 organisations/ groups from (or with connections in) North East London to be involved in the project for its third year from October 2023 – July 2024. We are keen to partner with groups and organisations that are community-focused to deliver this.
The project will include access to a Community Reporting Training programme and the Institute for Community Reporters web platform as well as co-production learning workshops, 1 to 1 coaching and an end of project community learning festival which we will co-create together.
The offer across the project is not ‘fixed’ – we want to work with people who can co-create what support they need in relation to co-production, and what support they can offer other people. This will be a journey of learning together and supporting each other to develop a deeper understanding, and greater knowledge of co-production and its impact.
View the up to date information sheet below and express you interest in being involved via this form.