This pilot project aims to strengthen our knowledge of people’s lived experience of racism and how this affects co-production.
PVM and the Co-Production Collective will be using lived experience to explore experiences of racism with co-production and identify ways in which structural racism can be addressed within the co-production arena.
Our objectives are to…
- Ensure that diverse voices are present within our co-production communities
- Understand how racism plays out within co-production
- Understand what we can do to be an anti-racist co-production community & put this into practice
- Gather 12 lived experience stories
- Deliver sense-making sessions exploring these stories
- Produce a short thematic film pulling out the key learning from the stories
- Host a Learning Exchange event sharing these finding with the wider co-production community & beyond
As part of this project we’re aiming to bring about social change on an individual, organisational, community & societal level including…
Bringing individuals together to share their own lived experiences, knowledge and experiences of exclusion and inclusion around coproduction, lived experience and racism. | |
Strengthen the knowledge of the Co-Production Collective to be able to respond to the need of our community or the people our work tries to best serve that are from diverse backgrounds & catalyse action/generate ideas for making the co-production ‘space’ more diverse. | |
Create safe spaces to talk about systemic racism, coproduction, lived experience and the lack of diversity that the spaces can often show. Contribute to a wider mission to create social change for everybody to find a fair and just society where they have purpose and meaning regardless of any protected characteristics. |
Over the next couple of months we’ll be collecting stories, delivering online sense making sessions and editing together a film based on the findings – all in preparation for the Learning Exchange event in January 2024.
Watch this space for more updates, including how to get involved!