Earlier this month we worked with education professionals from a set of Spanish universities to train them in Community Reporting methodologies as part of a 5-Day Erasmus+ funded project. This 5-Day programme provided the attendees with an introduction to Community Reporting and how it can be used to support the gathering, curating and mobilising of stories of lived experience. As part of the programme, participants took part in storytelling activities, developed digital skills, learned about story analysis and became Silver Members of the Institute of Community Reporters.

During the training, the participants focused on gathering stories about how education professionals used digital technologies and the roles they played in their lives. Using our dialogue interviewing methodology they collected 8 stories and analysed them using the ICR’s framework. From this, the group produced a short report and edited video based on the findings.

The project they are a part of is a learning exchange in which participants explore different digital practices and think about how this learning can support their work with older people. They will be producing a book (in English) on their learnings and our practice of Community Reporting will feature in it… so watch this space!

For now, anyone who speaks or reads Spanish, can download the report they produce during their training below or have a listen to the stories in their edited video here.


Over the last year, this is the question that the VOICITYS project has been asking people across Europe to explore what life is like in diverse communities. Working in neighbourhoods in Berlin, Budapest, Salford and Sassari, the VOICITYS partnership have been gathering Community Reporter stories with residents and interviews with local and national decision-makers to find out about people’s perceptions of diversity, what diverse spaces look like, how diversity is governed and the policies related to this. Through combining traditional social science methods and story curation approaches, we have produce a set of core findings on these topics

With the results of this research, we’d like to invite you to a Conversation of Change event that will use the findings as the basis for a discussion about the priority areas for diverse communities across Europe. People from participating countries – UK, Germany, Hungary and Italy – will come together to listen to different perspectives and share their own experiences. As part of this participatory workshop, you will help us to co-create a set of key proposals to inform pan-European policy around diversity.

What does diversity mean to you? A Conversation of Change Event
Tuesday 26th March 2019 / 2pm – 4pm / St. Sebastian Community Centre 1 Douglas Green, Salford M6 6ES (Refreshments provided)

This event is being co-organised by People’s Voice Media and Inspiring Communities Together as part of the VOICITYS project that has been funded by The European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014 – 2020.


Is physical change a celebration or challenge to our neighbourhood? Have we lost our social connections or are they just different? What is my role in, and responsibility to my community?

As part of the VOICITYS project, People’s Voice Media and Inspiring Communities Together have been using Community Reporting to gather stories about what life is like in Charlestown and Lower Kersal (CHALK) and have interviewed local leaders and decision-makers about their experiences of working in the area. From these stories and interviews, it was clear that the area had seen a lot of physical and social change over the years and we’d like to you to help us explore these topics further.

We’re inviting you to a Conversation of Change event in which you will listen to some of the stories gathered, explore the points raised in the interviews and have the opportunity to share your own perspectives. As part of this participatory workshop, we will discuss what we have learned from the research and what we can do at a local level in response to these findings. Together we will co-create ideas for overcoming the issues presented and build on the positive things already taking place. This will help us to make a set of recommendations for key policy drivers for the area.

Exploring Physical and Social Change in CHALK: A Conversation of Change Event
Tuesday 26th February 2019 / 1pm – 3pm / St. Sebastian Community Centre 1 Douglas Green, Salford M6 6ES (Refreshments provided)

This event is being co-organised by People’s Voice Media and Inspiring Communities Together as part of the VOICITYS project that has been funded by The European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014 – 2020.


Interserve is committed to developing and evaluating more personalised ways of working with service users in order to: promote positive life choices; tackle root causes of lifestyle problems; and to build personal capacity and resilience. As part of the Cosie Project – a pan-European scheme looking at the co-creation of public services – Interserve has piloted new ways of co-designing more personalised probation services. Within the pilot process, one of the co-creation tools adopted has been Community Reporting which has been used to gather insight stories from staff and service user on their perspectives of probation services.

Key learning has emerged from these stories. For example, the experiences of service users highlighted many of the things that they valued about the service such as the opportunity to engage in peer mentoring, as well as shedding light onto areas that could be improved such as support provision for low risk offenders. The staff stories focused on people’s motivations for working within the sector with many explaining how the desire to help others was a key factor for them entering this career. However, the stories also brought up issues such as changes within the service that were preventing them from doing the job to the standard they would like.

This toolkit looks at these stories and the insights within them through the lens of personalisation, exploring what can be deciphered from the stories about how probation services can better meet the needs of the individuals involved. The overarching message from this is that personalisation is not something that can be delivered by staff to service users in a linear fashion. Rather what must be established is a working culture of personalisation – for both staff and users – that permeates all aspects of service delivery. Through examining what the contributing factors of this culture could be and by asking probing questions to its reader, this publication seeks to support professionals working in probation to understand how they can enhance personalisation their roles.


The People’s Voice Media team are pleased to tell you that we have recently started work on two new Erasmus+ funded projects with our European partners. Earlier this month we went to the kick-off meetings for the Co-Engage and Eurospectives projects.

Co-Engage is exploring co-design methodologies from across Europe and Eurospectives builds on our previous Digital Natives project, to explore different digital storytelling approaches. We will be contributing to both of these projects by researching and presenting case studies on relevant topics as part of the knowledge exchange process and by taking the lead on dissemination.

Watch this space to see how the projects develop!