IDEAS ALLIANCE Community Conversations: Technology and Communication

The theme of technology and communication ran through many of the wellbeing stories that were gathered by our Community Reporters. People described how digital tools were enabling them to stay connected with loved ones, make new connections with neighbours and switch to new ways of
working, particularly during the COVID-19 lockdowns. However, they also told us that constantly using these tools – for work and socialising – can be draining. The stories also express concerns about who is included and excluded from digital methods of communication. Many of the stories we collected from Stockbridge Village discuss the quarterly gazette as an important tool for communicating with the community, so this report examines what the stories tell us about how For Housing might communicate with and within the areas that it covers.

We now have more ways than ever to communicate with each other digitally, but residents in the three For Housing areas are still missing more “old-fashioned” methods of face-to-face meeting and printed media. While the coronavirus vaccine gives hope for a return to more “normal” methods of communication and community interaction in the near future, communities have adapted by adopting new digital tools to communicate, such as WhatsApp, Zoom and Facebook groups. These tools are celebrated for their informality, friendliness and for bringing people together to support wellbeing and connection during an era of physical distancing. However, they do not include everyone, and residents worry about who is being left out of the conversation and socially isolated. Similarly, the overuse of screens can lead to problems with physical and mental health. While there is clearly great scope and potential for the use of these tools in future interactions and communications strategies, this must also be balanced by considering the implications of who is not being reached, and how we make sure that we hear from them too.

Want to explore more? Then listen to a story extract that has informed this insight briefing here.