Building on the #SharingHealth4U small-scale, rapid testing co-production pilot that we run in late 2020/early 2021, this project aims to use lived experience storytelling to build and enhance meaningful relationships between healthcare professionals, the VCSE sector and communities experiencing health inequalities. The focus of this initial piece of work will be around COVID-19 and the vaccination roll out, but the intention is that techniques adopted can be used in different ways in the future.
Our Role
As part of the project, People’s Voice Media will train people with existing connections with communities in Manchester experiencing health inequalities in how to gather lived experience stories around the topic of COVID-19 and the vaccination rollout from their community and how to share these stories – or extracts from them – within their communities to help initiate and hold conversations about health with people. Participants on this training, will gather 3 stories from individuals in their community and will create and implement a plan on how they can be shared (online and offline) within the community. This work will sit alongside and feed into existing activity, and will be an extra skill in communication and engagement that healthcare professionals and the VCSE sector can use in community development work in the future.