Story Mobilisation processes connect the learning from stories to people, groups and organisations who are in a position to use this knowledge to create positive change.

There are many ways in which we mobilise the findings from our stories and curated content, both online and offline. These are determined by what change we are hoping to make and the people who we think can be a part of this process. The ways that we mobilise stories include:

  • Conversation of Change Events: These participatory workshops use Community Reporter stories to prompt a dialogue between various stakeholders that seeks to catalyse change. They are knowledge exchange processes that can create new ways of thinking and doing things, and can be run offline and online.
  • Sharing on social media: We can devise a social media campaign that uses the stories and digitally packaged findings as a stimuli for creating a buzz about topic and supports the learning to spread via “word-of-mouse”.
  • Presentations of Findings: These events invite people relevant to the change process to come to find out more about the learning from the stories. These short events provide an overview of the insights and are ideal opportunities to disseminate physical products such as printed reports and toolkits.
  • Online Communications: This can include sharing our findings on other organisations’ websites as blogs and features, connecting curated content to people via emailers, and holding webinars to present findings from stories.
  • Adopting grassroots techniques: These are bespoke strategies devised with local community leaders in order to design new and innovative ways of sharing our learning. This could be supporting people to share curated content with their neighbours, running ‘drop-ins’ and collaborating with existing local events.

Through our story mobilisation processes we seek to have the voices of the people in the stories we’ve gathered heard and ensure that the learning from these stories is translated into action.